Welcome to IDSCIPUB, a scientific publisher with more than 30 fields of study. We are glad you are considering us as an option to publish your scientific work. Below is the required information for authors:
- Any author who wishes to submit an article to IDSCIPUB must register as a user on our platform www.journal.idscipub.com.Registration is the first step that needs to be done before submitting an article.
- We accept articles in a specific format according to our writing guidelines. Please make sure to follow the formatting guidelines available on each of our journal websites in the "Author Guidlines" section before submitting an article.
- Submitted articles will go through a review process by experts in the relevant field. We are committed to ensuring a fair and objective review process.
- IDSCIPUB adopts an open access model, which means that accepted articles will be published openly and accessible to anyone at an affordable cost.
- Authors who publish articles with IDSCIPUB retain the copyright of their work. We encourage authors to adhere to the principles of publication ethics and scientific integrity in any submitted work.
- If you have any further questions or require any assistance, please feel free to contact our team via email or phone listed on our website
Thank you for your interest and participation in spreading scientific knowledge through IDSCIPUB. We look forward to receiving your scientific contributions soon!